Tag Archive for: Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy Goes Beyond Knowing the Details.

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What part does financial literacy play in achieving our dreams?

If your dreams are to have a abundant life which includes a beautiful home (or homes), automobiles for yourself and your family, a great education for your children (and yourself), and a business that works like a money-making machine with systems in place that allow you to be financially free – receiving profits, royalties, rents – or to be financially independent from wise investments and your attention on them is minimal… there is no question that financial literary is key.

In the past over 30 years in working with people in our programs, including Money & You®, to discover what holds a person back from having money, building successful businesses, or having financial success – and this is with people in different parts of the world – over and over again it comes up that we must clear our consciousness from emotional blocks in order to receive the level of abundance that we desire; or to experience the wealth/the financial resources that we may already have.

There is no question that being educated about the basics of money; how to start, manage, build and expand a business is key. Financial literacy should be a subject taught in primary schools to children, along with reading, writing, grammar, math, and all key subjects necessary to be a fully-educated functioning human being – yet we are expected to learn to be financially literate without the proper guidance and by trial an error – thus, we have a society riddled with debt, fearful of the future and at times investing in projects that we know very little about – or enslaved to a job or a business that brings us very little profit or joy.

Financial literacy is as important as breathing, having clean water, and nutritious food for those who wish to have more than their basic needs met – and do not wish to be in debt. When we have the basic understanding – and later more sophisticated systems – of financial wealth, it allow us to grow our financial independence in a much greater pace, ease and with joy.

I congratulate you for reading my blog – for reaching out and learning from the different “masters” that are sharing their information. It is your “internal” guidance that has brought you here and now you are ready to go to a whole other level of financial gains.

Become a great student of financial literacy to allow you to have your dreams come true. Learn the different systems, and then choose the one that works best for you. Be sure to have financial advisors that have succeeded in their area of endeavor – and do what is congruent with your inner knowing and the knowledge that you have gathered through your educational process.

Do not leave the task of building your wealth to others – you can be supported by others, by financial wizards and master – but ultimately, you are responsible for your results. In our programs we say, “Education Is The Highest Form of Leverage”… you learn the techniques, the tools – and then you must allow yourself to be wealthy by clearing any blocks that may be in the way of your dreams coming true. That is the secret of many of the money/wealth gurus out there – how do I know? I was there as they were growing, clearing their blocks to the success that they now have – whether it is financial or in contributing to others. Financial literacy was key. May you also have your dreams come true – have a beautiful life and hopefully help others to do the same.

DC Cordova
CEO, Excellerated Business Schools®/Money and You Program®

Creative Commons License photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography

Entrepreneurs Build Successful Businesses With This Key

Entrepreneur's Success Key

Entrepreneurs Build Successful Businesses With This Key

For the past thirty years I have been working with people in different parts of the world through our programs, including Money & You® and the Excellerated Business School® for Entrepreneurs to uncover what holds people back from having money, building successful businesses or achieving financial success. Over and over again, what comes up is that we must clear our consciousness from emotional blocks in order to receive the level of abundance we desire or to enjoy the financial resources we may already have.

If you want to enjoy an abundant life—including a beautiful home (or homes), automobiles for yourself and your family, a great education for your children (and yourself) and a business that provides you with profits, royalties, rents or other residual income—financial literacy is key.

Being educated about the basics of money—how to start, manage, build and expand a business—is key. It is my hope that in the near future, financial literacy becomes a subject for children in primary school, along with reading, writing, grammar, math and all other key subjects necessary to be a fully educated, functioning human being.

In the mean time, most of us learn to be financially literate without proper guidance, sheerly by trial and error. It’s easy to see around you. The result is a society riddled with debt, fearful of the future, investing in ventures we know very little about, or enslaved to jobs or businesses that bring us very little profit or joy.

For those of us who wish to have more than our basic needs met and do not wish to live in debt, financial literacy is as important as breathing and having clean water and nutritious food. Having a sound understanding of financial systems allows us to grow our financial independence with much more ease and joy.

Become a great student of financial literacy to allow your dreams to come true. Learn the different systems and choose the one that works best for you. Be sure to call upon financial advisors who have succeeded in their area of endeavor; do what is congruent with your inner knowing and the knowledge you have gathered through your educational process.

Do not leave the task of building your wealth to others. While others—financial advisors and masters—may support you, ultimately you are responsible for your results. In our programs we say, “Education is the highest form of leverage.” Once you acquire the techniques and tools, you now must allow yourself to be wealthy by clearing any blocks that may be in the way of your dreams coming true. Herein lies the secret to financial health and wealth.

With loving thoughts,

DC Cordova
CEO, Excellerated Business School® for Entrepreneurs and the Money & You® Program

You can also read my original article that appeared in Networking Times

Creative Commons License photo credit: Lora <3