* Based on the teachings of the Money & You® program and other Excellerated programs which have been taught for over 40 years globally. Many of today’s wealth experts and rock stars of the industry are graduates and have adopted some of these principles and tools and have been taught to millions.
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The Importance of Business Rules
by Behnam Ataee, CIO
Dream Warrior Design Group
Regulation is much more than consideration for laws of the land. It involves fine tuning and understanding the business and communication rules behind your E-Commerce startup. These rules are both formal and informal.
Mind over Matter or Matter over Mind?
When one thinks one is basically a body then the universe seems quite frightening. One believes death is the end of everything and one is a creature. One wants to survive at all costs.
Remarkable Definitions of Love
What Love means to a 4-8 year old . . . Slow down for three minutes to read this. It is so worth it. Touching words from the mouth of babes. A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, “What does love mean?”
The Four Agreements at Work
As a personal, professional, and organizational guide, can you imagine how much better businesses would function and the workplace would feel if we used the Four Agreements from the best selling The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz? The Agreements are so simple, yet so powerful.
The Steps To Succeed With Your Website
Rules Rule
Whether you know it or not, whether or not you wish to admit it, or verbalize it; you operate by business rules. Most times, these rules are so embedded into the business process that most people do not notice them. But they are always there.
It is your primary responsibility to create a written list of these rules and make sure that your team of designers knows what these are and follows them. How your site is designed and programmed is directly impacted by your business rules.
Six-Figure Marketing: Marketing Strategies to Attract New Clients and Improve your Cash Flow!
The biggest and most immediate returns you can see from your marketing efforts involve your existing clients. Not in finding a new army of eager first-time-buyers… which is where most small business owners put their efforts.
Your existing clients are where the real money is.
Share Your Success
I leave you with this from R. Buckminster Fuller:
“You do not have the right to eliminate yourself; you do not belong to you. You belong to the Universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experience to the highest advantage of others.”
Social Entrepreneur Success
Twenty years ago Susan Barton was working in an orphanage in Sri Lanka. There, she took to a baby that was severely malnourished and realized that even though it wasn’t her child, she had a responsibility to this baby. Her life would never be the same. At that moment her path to becoming a Social Entrepreneur Success began.
Ten Top Differences Between Selling and Networking
Networking often has a negative connotation. This is due to the fact that many salesmen abuse networking to sell.
The main difference between selling and networking is that in a sales process the goal of the interaction between two people is the sale of a product or service. When networking, this sale could be the consequence of a contact that is built with respect and care. Hence, it is clear that the sale is not the goal of networking.
TED: Tinkering School – The Power Of Experiental Learning
I’d like to share this video by Gever Tulley from TED to help you understand the power of experiential learning. At Money & You® and Excellerated Business School® for Global Entrepreneurs, we use the same principals of immersion and experiential learning to rapidly guide our students through learning, with outstanding results.
It’s Everywhere – And You Better Know What To Do With It!
By Glenda Feilen It’s everywhere! It’s in you, on you, and around you. And what you do with it makes a huge difference in your world. If you use it to your advantage, you can expect cash flowing into your life, great relationships, and vibrant health. However, if you are oblivious to its presence, you […]
Denis Cooney Shares His Experience
Denis Cooney Money and You® changed me and all my best friends for the better forever. Anyone who is anyone in the powerful emerging personal empowerment field got to hear about the famous “Money and You®” program. Most of the influential people in this new realm are graduates of this pivotal course that changed their […]
Guide to Purchasing a Content Management System (CMS)
by Behnam Ataee, CIO Dream Warrior Design Group. Every business aims to increase profit and expand its market share. The savvy business person makes sure the tools they use today can accommodate these goals for their tomorrow. When dealing with websites, one of the most basic of these tools is a Content Management System or […]
Money & You® – Sufficiency is Heavenly
I hope that I inspire you to not only read The Soul of Money, but also read the works of our dear Bucky. His book, Critical Path , is worth the read. It will speak to parts of you that are ready to hear his beautiful information that is just now coming into “vogue.” Bucky would have loved Al Gore with his environmental work – and he would have loved YOU for living a life that includes his greatest message: There is enough for you and me…