* Based on the teachings of the Money & You® program and other Excellerated programs which have been taught for over 40 years globally. Many of today’s wealth experts and rock stars of the industry are graduates and have adopted some of these principles and tools and have been taught to millions.
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Entrepreneurs Build Successful Businesses With This Key
Being educated about the basics of money—how to start, manage, build and expand a business—is key. It is my hope that in the near future, financial literacy becomes a subject for children in primary school, along with reading, writing, grammar, math and all other key subjects necessary to be a fully educated, functioning human being.
Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 4
Proven Business Relationship Agreement Last 5 Agreements – Part 4 DC Cordova You made it! Here are the final five business relationship agreements in the 4 Part Series (twenty total business agreements) for creating profitable partnerships. You can read Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 1 if you haven’t already done so to get you […]
Perception vs. Talent: What is Perception Worth?
Is perception real? Some say perception is everything! What can you learn from this story? Can you apply this to your personal life, and in doing so, make a transformation in your career or business? I think so. And that is at the core of what we teach in our Money & You® 3 1/2 day Program. That not only are we all ordinary and we all wake up every morning with the same dreams and fears… we are also unknowingly extra-ordinary. So much so that we don’t even recognize it when it’s right in front of us.
Doing Life? How One Woman Saved NY State $1 Billion
“As of 2008, there were 2.3 Million in prisons in the United States, that is one in each 100 people in the United States. With just 5% of the word’s population, the US has the highest incarcerated population in the world. I have worked in this system since 1973, focused on one intention: to transform prisons from places of punishment to places of healing. Throughout my journey, I have been blessed to learn from the best, to study and apply the most effective strategies to my work.
Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 3
Will this really help you make more money, be happier and have more fulfillment? If you’ve ever been in a relationship before – whether business or personal – you know how to have a good relationship. Very few know how to have a great relationship.
Anthony Robbins, the world-renowned success teacher and Money & You® graduate, says it best. Your success is determined by the quality of the questions you ask. If you’ve read my previous two posts on creating a profitable business agreement (read the first Post here: Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 1 and the second Post here: Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 2), you’ll quickly realize that I outlined a series of questions for you to ask yourself and to ask your potential business partner(s).
The WorldGAMES Story: How 15 Minutes Changed My Life
A good friend encouraged me to attend a training program that was to literally change my life. Up until then training programs to me had been boring or ineffective. Even with the most engaging presenter, I had found that the information just did not stick.
Proven Business Relationship Agreement–Part 2
Proven Business Relationship Agreement Part 2 By DC Cordova In my first post of this series “Proven Business Relationship Agreement”, I discussed and listed the key points to beginning to work in business with partners. The first steps of the Proven Business Relationship Agreement can be read here. You need to be willing to make […]
A Teaspoon, a Bucket, or a Tractor Trailer? Reverend Ike Passes.
“You can come to the Ocean with a teaspoon, a bucket, or a tractor trailer! The Ocean doesn’t care! The Ocean just wants to outflow!”
That is the famous line the Reverend left us with – and we will always remember! We have used it with his permission and I must say thank you, Reverend Ike! Everyone loves to hear it. It’s almost a Money & You® trademark because our grads have psychologically anchored this phrase with a new paradigm of thinking – away from scarcity into sufficiency and finally abundance.
Proven Business Relationship Agreement – Part 1
In this series of posts, I’m going to share with you what has worked for me in business for the last 30 years. I currently have a business agreements with partners in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and the United States. I’ve done business with well-known authors, speakers, artists, producers, film-makers, promoters, government ministries, large and small organizations –
The Buckminster Fuller Annual Memorial Lecture – 1997
I found many of Bucky’s writings to be pivotal in my education . So I decided to piece together those words that have had an tremendous impact on my life — and read them for you — as if Bucky were here. I think you will forever see the world in a whole new way.
Hamburger Heaven: What Mustard and Ketchup Did for Me
I found the secret to creating Heaven on Earth in the oddest of circumstances: A backyard barbecue.
While setting the table with condiments for our hamburgers, my friend Cherrie said,
“Don’t put the mayo out for me; I don’t use it.”
“Me, neither,” said Jim.
Davos, Debt & Systemic Failure
The preferred diet of most Davos attendees is a fusion inspired composition of individual, government, and corporate debt combined with a free-market frisee of lax regulatory oversight held together by a roux of central bank credit that dissolves instantly when paired with matching counter-party risk.
It IS a Small World: the “6 Degrees of Proximity”
Do you remember the last time you were on a holiday and met another compatriot? Ten-to-one you discovered you had a mutual contact and that one of you made the remark:
“It is a small world, isn’t it?”
10 Reasons to Use Facebook for Business
Social networking websites, especially Facebook, have significant implications for business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs around the world. To keep your business current, you should at least be familiar with the latest conversational marketing techniques and viral technologies, including Facebook and its array of powerful features.