Wait... Would you like the VIP Experience?

Add The VIP Experience To Money & You

The VIP experience isn’t just about wearing a special name tag, or to sit in special seats, or wear a special t-shirt, because Money & You® is NOT about prestige and privilege.  

It’s about results.

We want you to meet with the team in advance.

We want you to sit around the table with successful grads and successful advisors.

And we want you coming out of the program and when you are back in real life, to have an avenue on top of everything else that we offer, to be able to go deep into any challenges that you may have. 

Join us in the VIP experience and enhance your participation in the program!

The VIP Experience includes:

  • Meet-and-Greet Dinner the night before the event with me, Doria Cordova, Co-presenters, Advisors, VIP graduates of the program (worth US$297)
  • 3 Weekly Integration Zoom Group Sessions After the Program Led by Co-presenters of the program (worth US$750)
  • A 30-Minute Consultation of your DISC Profile in Addition to the Profile Provided in the Program (worth US$197)
  • Total value: US$1,224

You can access this amazing VIP upgrade for
the next 48 hours for only US$497