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Money & You
Inner Circle
Dame Doria (DC) Cordova
Her program Money & You® has inspired some of today’s greatest wealth and business experts – many whom have become Social Entrepreneurs – and has touched the lives of millions globally. Her programs have generated more multi-millionaires than any other entrepreneurial program in existence. The work of her many graduates has helped spread, to millions around the world, the essence of her mission to transform educational systems around the world.
Her purpose: To uplift humanity’s consciousness through socially-responsible businesses. Leading by example, Doria is a philanthropist, humanitarian and is known as an Ambassador of New Education.
INNER CIRCLE: The only opportunity to have Doria train Social Entrepreneurs outside her rare live events.
As an Social Entrepreneur you need ongoing education, inspiration and cooperation. The Inner Circle serves you to be stronger and more successful in your quest to make money while you are changing the world.
There are more opportunities to create billion-dollar companies than ever before. As a business leader you can now tackle large-scale social issues that seemed “unsolvable”. And you can profit handsomely from your efforts. This is what we call Conscious Capitalism.
We see a rapid acceleration of technology, but the world still suffers from deep societal problems that desperately need solving. Social Entrepreneurs make an impact on the world WHILE making a profit. And nothing can be more satisfying.
There is a glut of capital looking for socially responsible investments. Socially Responsible Investments just grew by 38% in only 2 years. Now at 26% of all professionally managed investments, it will soon outweigh "irresponsible" investing.
Get taught by true masters. Doria Cordova of Money & You / Excellerated Business Schools discovered hundreds of Masters troughout her 40 year history of running the Business School for Entrepreneurs. Most of these are successful entrepreneurs themselves, normally only accessible in her $15,000 live programs.
Join the Inner Circle if you are a Social Entrepreneur or thinking about creating a better life for yourself and the planet.
The world needs innovators, problem solvers, visionaries and action takers to guide us through the coming storm. The world needs entrepreneurs…
The World Needs YOU !
We offer this access as a service for young people and beginning entrepreneurs to help them in their lives.
Inner Circle
For active entrepreneurs and everyone looking for their purpose in life. For less than a coffee a day you have direct access to world-class experts and a global community of Social Entrepreneurs.
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Master's circle
If you are serious about your business and you know the value of training and access to experts.
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(c) 2019 Copyright Money & You Worldwide
“I was effectively going broke but struggling to see a way through it… Since the moment I walked out those doors on that Sunday night some 25 years ago, I turned the business around. Each year I have delivered a better result than previous … we’re now doing $160 million with 500 employees … and growing.”
-- Dominique Lyone
“I was making $200 per week as a waiter when I first attended the Money & You program. Within 2 years, I started my first business in the timber industry. In the next three years this scaled up to $24 million of annual revenues. I then exited that industry to spend more time on passion projects which created a new business. I now own two highly-leveraged businesses employing 50 individuals and turning over 30 million a year in revenues.”
-- Andrew Barron
“Doria DC Cordova has devoted her life to creating a world that works for everyone. This overview of the principles, strategies and methods of Money & You, the workshop is a must read. I first took the course in 1982 and used the distinctions I learned there to take the Total Learning Environments I was leading from successful to extraordinary, expanding from individual units within a larger institution to five total institutions with a capacity for 1,500 participants in each 6-month phase. By the time I retired from the system, the TLE had saved the State more than $1.37 Billion. M&Y is a powerful program, producing consistent results for more than 36 years. It is relevant to any business or organization.”
-- Doc Shock
The Money & You program is a ‘must do’ and this book is a ‘must read’. I first took the EST Training in 1980 and M&Y in 1992. The distinctions opened my eyes to a world that was inaccessible before. I have been humbled and expanded as I continue to be challenged to grow my awareness of this remarkable world; it’s extraordinary and ordinary people and the infinite wisdom that is everywhere.
M&Y It is a powerful program that teaches mastery and comprehension of complex components making them easy to understand and apply to everyday life and seems to produce consistent results. Reading the book is like taking a review of the course. The people I met, the friendships that resulted, the successes that I achieved through Lifetracks Foundations challenging work in Tanzania. What a delight to introduce Bucky’s principles and distinctions to villages schools and watch children and teachers eyes go wide as they grasped the difference that could be made. Then the micro-loans that allowed them to work those entrepreneurial principles in a culture of poverty and lack expanded my heart as I brought vegetable seed as well as seeds of hope and change. Thank you, Dear Heart…”
-- Nanci Hartland
“Loving it! Thank you, Doria (DC) for sharing such gems. Most of all reading the book is like having a conversation with you. I’m blessed to have gone through the money clearing exercises LIVE with you. It’s a great refresher to do the exercises again and clear whatever money blocks that limit ‘Access to Cash’!”
-- Jacy Wee